ParseR combines functionality from the tidytext
package and the tidygraph
package to enable users to create network visualisations of common
terms in a data set.
We’ll play through an example by creating a bi-gram network from a sample of the data set included in the ParseR package.
# Generate a sample
example <- ParseR::sprinklr_export %>%
dplyr::slice_sample(n = 1000)
N.B. The function dplyr::slice_sample(n = 1000)
is only used in this tutorial to speed up the analysis and workflow, a
sample of 1000 should NOT be taken during project work. If you have any
worries with the size of data or speed of analyses speak to one of the
DS team.
Count the n-grams
Each post will be broken down into bi-grams (i.e. pairs of words) and the 25 most frequent bi-grams will be returned. The return counts will be equal to the number of times each bigram is seen in total across all mentions. If you would like to get the number of distinct posts each bigram is present in, add distinct = TRUE to the code.
counts <- example %>%
text_var = Message,
n = 2,
top_n = 25,
clean_text = TRUE,
remove_stops = TRUE
As with all of the functions from our packages, you can access the
documentation for each function by running the code
. This will allow you to see the arguments that
can be fed to the function. In this case, the key arguments are
which requires the name of the column containing
the text variable of interest, n
which represents the
number of terms to include in the n-gram (e.g. 2 produces a bi-gram),
and top_n
which determines the number of n-grams to
Note that counts
is a list object:
## [1] "list"
It contains two objects:
- “view”
- A human-readable tibble with the most common n-grams.
counts %>%
## # A tibble: 25 × 3
## word1 word2 ngram_freq
## <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 hispanic heritage 500
## 2 heritage month 250
## 3 heritage celebration 39
## 4 celebrating hispanic 37
## 5 last day 33
## 6 national hispanic 33
## 7 beto orourke 31
## 8 bobby beto 30
## 9 lacks hispanic 30
## 10 caucus refuses 29
## # ℹ 15 more rows
- “viz”
- A
object that can be used to produce a network visualisation.
counts %>%
## # A tbl_graph: 27 nodes and 25 edges
## #
## # A directed acyclic simple graph with 3 components
## #
## # Node Data: 27 × 2 (active)
## word word_freq
## <chr> <int>
## 1 hispanic 635
## 2 heritage 529
## 3 month 271
## 4 day 105
## 5 celebration 96
## 6 us 89
## 7 celebrating 81
## 8 last 67
## 9 new 58
## 10 celebrate 57
## # ℹ 17 more rows
## #
## # Edge Data: 25 × 3
## from to ngram_freq
## <int> <int> <int>
## 1 1 2 500
## 2 2 3 250
## 3 2 5 39
## # ℹ 22 more rows
Visualise the network
Now we can use the tbl_graph
object we generated using
to produce a network visualisation by
calling the viz_ngram
function. An n-gram network is one of
the most commonly produced visualisations at SHARE.
Note that visualising bi-grams in this way can be a useful way to also identify whether our cleaning steps have been sufficient for the task at hand:
- If we see long chains of bi-grams consistently following one another (as in the case above with “caucus-refuses-bobby-beto”), this is often a good identifier for potential spam posts or posts that quote an identical phrase from an article, and are worth another check/ potential removal.
- Bi-gram networks are very useful for identifying irrelevant terms that have snuck through our cleaning steps, such as URLs or homonyms (for example if the bi-gram is about Apple MacBooks, but there are bi-grams relating to Apple Crumble/Cooking Apple or similar).
As an additional tip relating to some bi-gram potential confusion. Sometimes a single term will appear in a bi-gram network, with seemingly no edge in or out of this node. In this case, the bi-gram phrase is a repeated term. This can be a ‘correct’ result: Say we are working with a manufacturer of tinned foods, a dataset may contain many phrases such as “this can can feed you and your family”. Therefore the bi-gram “can can” would appear in our network as a single node labelled “can”. However, such an outcome is much more likely to be the result of data cleaning where punctuation, numbers, or stop words have been removed and has led to two words appearing consecutively in the cleaned text variable, but not in the original text variable.
Term Context
We can also use the term_context
function to plot the
most frequent preceding/proceeding terms for the term of our choice, and
gain a better understanding of how the term is used within the data.
latin_context <- example %>%
text_var = Message,
term = "latin",
preceding_n = 2,
proceeding_n = 1,
top_n = 10
The outcome contains two objects:
- “plot”
- A graph object which displays the relationships between terms.
latin_context %>%
- “frequencies”
- A tibble which tells us how frequent the n-gram is in the data,
latin_context %>%
## # A tibble: 22 × 5
## `x-2` `x-1` x `x+1` n
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 space coast latin festival 3
## 2 month featured latin music 2
## 3 3 time latin grammy 1
## 4 afro african latin hispanic 1
## 5 and traditional latin american 1
## 6 bakery latina latin latino 1
## 7 by the latin ballet 1
## 8 contemporary female latin american 1
## 9 flags of latin american 1
## 10 halberstam soapboxsample latin pak 1
## # ℹ 12 more rows
Extracting n-gram exemplar posts
A new update to ParseR gives us the opportunity to extract exemplar
posts for our ngrams. We receive a dataframe with the columns: [1]
“ngram_n” “ngrams” “message” “permalink” “sentiment” “date”
[8] “platform”
Note: some variable names may change, and they are lower-cased.
exemplars <- ParseR::ngram_exemplars(example, text_var = Message, url_var = Permalink, sentiment_var = Sentiment, date_var = CreatedTime, author_var = SenderScreenName, platform_var = SocialNetwork)
We could turn our exemplars into a nice data table with clickable links using the {DT} package and a {LimpiaR} function:
exemplars %>%
LimpiaR::limpiar_link_click(permalink) %>%
DT::datatable(escape = FALSE, filter = "top", options = list(scrollX = TRUE))