Function returns a list with a viz and a view object. The viz object can be fed into ParseR's `viz_ngram` function to produce a network visualisation.
text_var = Message,
n = 2,
top_n = 50,
min_freq = 10,
distinct = FALSE,
hashtags = FALSE,
mentions = FALSE,
clean_text = FALSE,
remove_stops = TRUE,
tolower = TRUE,
- df
A dataframe.
- text_var
The variable containing the text.
- n
The number of terms to include in the n-gram. E.g. 2 produces a bi-gram.
- top_n
The number of n-grams to include.
- min_freq
The minimum number of times an n-gram must be observed to be included.
- distinct
If TRUE, will count # of unique posts for each n-gram.
Should hashtags be included in the n-grams?
- mentions
Should mentions be included in the n-grams?
- clean_text
Should the text variable be cleaned?
- remove_stops
Should stopwords be removed?
- tolower
Should all tokens be lower cased in calls to unnest_tokens?
- ...
fed to the `ParseR::clean_text()` function